CRYSTALFAIRY - Natural Healing and Love Ritual
CRYSTALFAIRY - Natural Healing, Love Ritual, Mind And Body in New York City. I love music! I am a children's orchestra conductor and my hobby is to make manualties as embroidery...
More »VisionaryGu - Rune Cards and Love Ritual
VisionaryGu - Rune Cards, Love Ritual, I Ching in New York City. Feel Stuck and confused? 5 star psychic.Predictions continuously come to pass! Expertise in love, relationship,m...
More »Angellove11 - Coffee Reading and Pendulum
Angellove11 - Coffee Reading, Pendulum, Crystal Healing in New York City. A spiritual being in this physical form here on mother earth. To learn and teach. To love and heal. To ...
More »Tangelique - Family Issues and Dream Analysis
Tangelique - Family Issues, Dream Analysis, Spiritual Guidance in New York City. Clairvoyant, tarot reader or NO tools intuitive.I have over 30 years experience and have done ov...
More »TheTruth - Pendulum and Career And Work
TheTruth - Pendulum, Career And Work, Tarot Cards in New York City. FREEDOM Although I began reading tarot around 5 years ago, I have always been able to pick up on energies aro...
More »MattRaven - Birthdate Analysis and Love Reading
MattRaven - Birthdate Analysis, Love Reading, Past Life in New York City. Hello! My Name is Matt. Born-Psychic, No-Tools needed. October 9th, 1994 was the day I entered this w...
More »PsychicRaven - Relocation and Family Issues
PsychicRaven - Relocation, Family Issues, Pendulum in New York City. Merry meet! I am a solitary practitioner. In 2006, I studied my required year and a day to proudly call myse...
More »AlmightyParo - Love Compatibility and Western Astrology
AlmightyParo - Love Compatibility, Western Astrology, Angel Reading in New York City. When will you find your soul mate? Is he or she the one? Is he or she being honest? Reunite ...
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