loveInvestigator - Spiritual Guidance and Birthdate Analysis
loveInvestigator - Spiritual Guidance, Birthdate Analysis, Karmic Love Reading in New York City. Practice for 15 years.
More »Rozzebud - Clairsentient and Spiritual Guidance
Rozzebud - Clairsentient, Spiritual Guidance, Yearly Horoscope in New York City. My name is Rozalia. I am a 27-year-old female, passionate in holistic healing. I have been worki...
More »AlmaVeah - Love Ritual and Reiki
AlmaVeah - Love Ritual, Reiki, Career And Work in New York City. My name is Alma, and I'm an intuitive advisor. Certified Hypnotherapist. Mind Reader, Ceritified Spiritual Advis...
More »ThaOracle - Love Compatibility and Career And Work
ThaOracle - Love Compatibility, Career And Work, Angel Cards in New York City. I am a messenger sent by God, Jesus, and the angels. I use prayer to connect with spirit in love. O...
More »HarryPsychic - Spiritual Guidance and Relocation
HarryPsychic - Spiritual Guidance, Relocation, Rune Healing in New York City. People who are respectful and open minded I am a clairvoyant psychic gifted with the power of spiri...
More »YogmayaJyotish - Angel Reading and Horoscope Reading
YogmayaJyotish - Angel Reading, Horoscope Reading, Animal Psychic in New York City. AUTHENTIC PSYCHIC. I've revealed facts on Relationships, Business, Health and solved Crime My...
More »PsychicChannel88 - Clairvoyant and Chakra Healing
PsychicChannel88 - Clairvoyant, Chakra Healing, Past Life in New York City. Natural Gifted Psychic - Spiritual Advisor - Trance Channeler - Medium specialised in: Aura/Chakra - ...
More »AlyciaRose - Dream Analysis and Traveling
AlyciaRose - Dream Analysis, Traveling, Rune Cards in New York City. PROFESSIONAL - Radio & TV - Authentic - Honest - 30 yrs Exp. - Integrity matters - Love - Career - Money - L...
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